Welcome, and what do you want to change?

Your process of changing something important in your life has already started if you’re looking for a therapist. You’ve probably made other efforts toward this change too (maybe including previous therapy).

Therapy, like change itself, is also a process: At the shorter end of things, it's possible to make meaningful changes in a handful of sessions. This can be the case for issues related to specific events, or if “getting unstuck” is a main concern.

For more serious, chronic, and/or lifelong problems, longer-term work is often appropriate, especially because such work tends to happen most effectively in an especially safe therapeutic relationship that takes more time to build.

Sometimes, people also take breaks from therapy (because treatment burn-out is real) and/or change providers so that they can benefit from different styles and approaches that work best for them at the time. I’m happy to figure out with you where our work fits in to whatever you’re trying to achieve.


Email: kellystridercounsels@gmail.com

Phone (okay to text or leave voicemail): 503-704-5061

Office location (Fridays only): 224 NE 28th Avenue, Portland, OR 97232

Instagram (I do not “follow back” clients or personal contacts from this account, only other professional accounts related to my practice): @kellystridercounsels

Vacation dates for 2024: Tuesday 3/26 - Friday 3/29; Wednesday 7/10 - Friday 7/19; Thursday 8/1 & Friday 8/2; Thursday 8/8 & Friday 8/9; Thursday 11/28 & Friday 11/29; Tuesday 12/24 - Wednesday 1/1

Kelly Strider, LPC, CADC III

My areas of focus: anxiety; family-of-origin trauma; religious trauma; attachment relationships (esp. queer and non-traditional); drug and alcohol misuse; ADHD; vocational and workplace issues; mood disorders; transitions (e.g. divorce, aging); shame resilience; identity development; teens and tweens